Wednesday, August 12, 2015

W30 day 6

Meal 1

Scrambled eggs with coconut cream and blueberries on a bed of arugula, Wiltshire bacon rashers. Took 5 minutes to make. Tasted amazing. Blueberry eggs are my new favourite discovery on whole30.

Meal 2

Eating while working ( technically not allowed) but I needed to get stuff done. I got this lunch ready by throwing together three tupperwares of leftovers: Napa slaw and remnants of marinated veggies, lettuce and red peppers, leftover pork mince. Boom!

Meal 3

 Supper was rushed as I endeavoured to get to an Essentrics class I wanted to try, so it was pork spaghetti sauce from the freezer on zoodles. Zucchini noodles rule because you can eat as many as you like without getting bloated and they actually have a nice texture and taste unlike plain old flour pasta.

After sweating through essentrics I had another bowl of this with beet salad and a couple of slices of salami and kombucha tea.

Day 6 and the emotions are stable and my energy is good! I'm looking forward to feeling even better as the days go on.

Husband on board eating compliant whole 30! Love him!

Baby on board whether he likes it or not (he likes it). I noticed he's had A LOT more energy without grains and dairy. And his naps are longer and more consistent. Growth spurt or due to whole30? Who knows, but I'll take the naps haha.

Our Whole30 cookbook came in the mail yesterday and we are really pumped to try new recipes. Tomorrow I'm having friends over and we are having slow cooked pork and beef with coleslaw and maybe potatoes or cauliflower rice. Fun!

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