Tuesday, August 11, 2015

W30 day 5

Almost done this week! I'm happy to almost be done this day. Things got annoying and glitchy at work and I kind of lost it (in the comfort of my own home). The morning started off great as my baby woke up at 8:40 :)

Meal 1

Huevos rancheros for the win! Leftover pork mince fried up in coconut oil with leftover plantain and two fried eggs. Salad and guac all topped with lime juice.

Meal 2

I ended up eating really late after a mid day snack of almonds and an apple as I was working. Then things got crazy and I was sidetracked. Anyway I didn't feel like eating but had this anyway. Kind of sick of the Napa slaw with half a chicken breast. I ate more out of obligation than need I think...

Meal 3

Compliant Italian sausages with kimchi and a sauté of onion, sweet potato, zucchini and spinach.

Work was super annoying today so kind of threw me off my game but I learned a lot. I learned that I feel more effective mentally on this way of eating. He annoying work stuff was not my fault but I still had to deal with it which stressed me out and made me wish I could eat for comfort. Whole30 is a great tool to figure these things out, the triggers, and habitual eating patterns. 

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